erik whittington

474003-pErik Whittington is the President and co-founder of Rock for Life, a network of bands, musicians, artists (over 800!) and their fans who use their talents to provide life-affirming solutions to counter the assaults on the right to life. RFL works to educate, activate, mobilize and unite pro-life youth to fight against the attacks made against the most innocent of all human beings.

Erik was born in Illinois and first began his secular music career in Portland, Oregon where he converted to the pro-life truth through a Life Chain pro-life visibility event. After converting to Christianity he decided to give in to God’s call to defend the innocent (Proverbs 24:11). After making noise for the pro-life movement in Portland he joined Rock for Life in 1995 as assistant director/co-founder while playing guitar for Christian rock bands Sometime Sunday, Tragedy Ann and Twin Sister. Since then Erik has overseen RFL’s tremendous growth through music concerts, CD compilations, the chapter program, summer festival tours, Training & Activism Weekends and much more. Erik’s work with RFL has been featured in the Washington Times as well as two secular books, Featured in Righteous: Dispatches from the Evangelical Youth Movement (Lauren Sandler) & Body Piercing Saved My Life: Inside the Phenomenon of Christian Rock(Andrew Beaujon).

Erik is married, the father of four children and is a member of the Worship Team at Grace Church of Fredericksburg.

If you need a pro-life speaker, Erik would love to come out and visit your church, youth group, high school or college campus or even your local concert. Write Erik by clicking here and he will discuss the details with you.

“Students for Life at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA was pleased to have Erik speak at their annual concert to benefit crisis pregnancy centers. Erik’s passion for life was evident in the personal testimony he gave, detailing how he came to join the ranks of this country’s next civil rights movement.”

20 Responses to erik whittington

  1. edward kish says:

    Hello eric. .

    What is your church in Fredricksburg? Is it part of Sovereign Grace Minestries? I’ve been wondeering about them and I know some members.

    I just went to a ‘Rock Off’ at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum clevalnd , Ohio. Was Rock for Life there? I didn’t see you.

    Rock on !



  2. Eirk,

    I could find no other way to contact you. Based on the article in I am seeking to contact you. Our evening drive-time talk show host, Rich Buhler, is outspoken about pro-life concerns. I’d like to talk with you about some ideas that could benefit your ministry. Please email me at the email address I provided.

    Pam Christian
    KBRT Radio
    AM 740
    Southern California

  3. Pingback: Rock For Life Relaunch Party this Saturday « Rock For Life

  4. Pingback: Abortionist points gun at peaceful praying pro-lifers « Rock For Life

  5. Pingback: Father pulls gun on pregnant girlfriend « Rock For Life

  6. Eric,
    I am a promoter of a christian musc fest in Florida featuring some of your bands. I would like to know if you and your organization would like to be a part of this. Any charitable organizations I am not charging for booth space. Your only expense would be your hotel and flights to get thier. You will have passes for the event. There will be over 20 bands. Some are endorsed and some not. Most is probably because of not hearing of your organization. The concert itself is running to help raise money for homeless in this area.

  7. Pingback: National Pro-Life Youth Rally at Washington D.C!

  8. Pingback: First Ever National Pro-Life Youth Rally! « The Lost Generation

  9. Pingback: National Pro-Life Youth Podcast Announced « Rock For Life

  10. Pingback: New Podcast! Honoring the lives of Jon & Kortney « Rock For Life

  11. Pingback: Announcing National Pro-Life Youth Rally « Rock For Life

  12. Pingback: LARGEST pro-life youth rally in our nation’s capitol | Foundation Life

  13. Cassie Craigo says:

    So I just walked into my grandparents TV room and Huckabee was on, and there was a woman named Carol Everett, a former abortion clinic owner, and she was sharing her story of how God transformed her and she is now a pro-life advocate. She also founded an organization called the Heidi Group. Here’s a link, I thought you might like to check it out 🙂

  14. Lavinia says:

    I’m trying to get in touch with Liz Towsend. Somehow, I found her name linked to your website. Do you know her or do you know how to direct me to her? I’m about to publish my memoir book, an evangelistic tool to lead others to Christ, sharing the goodness and mercy of God. I would like to use her article as quote in my book and needs per permission. Thanks.

  15. Lisa says:

    Happy Birthday, Erik! I can’t wear the clothes you sell because there aren’t any 2 or 3x. My loss!

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